
MS Water Distribution System Operation Overview

  • 1.50 Hour Course
  • 4.3 4 Reviews
  • $15.00

This course will fulfill 1.5 of your required hours for Mississippi water operators.

This course will provide an overview of water distribution system operation. Topics include:

  • Pipeline operations - Delve into the world of pipe operations, where you will learn about types of pipes, joining pipes, and the importance of pipes in the distribution process.
  • Meters, valves, and hydrants - Learn about the American Water Works Association's standards pertaining to meters, the various types of valves that control the pressure and flow in the distribution system, and explore the basics of a hydrant.
  • Pumps and motors - Explore the utility of pumps and motors in a water distribution system. You'll learn about the basics of various pump types, including positive displacement, centrifugal, and rotary pumps. We'll also cover the basic design of motors used in distribution.
  • SCADA systems - Uncover the basics of a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System. You'll learn about the uses of a SCADA system, along with an overview of how they function.
  • EPA Groundwater Rule - We'll cover the basics of the Environmental Protection Agency's Groundwater Rule, which intends to reduce the risk of exposure to contamination that may be present in our public waters systems.
  • Water quality issues related to distribution systems - Finally, you'll learn about some of the most common water quality issues that you may face as a water distribution professional.
  • Course ID(s): 1980
  • Approved By: Mississippi Department of Health

Instructor Bio

Jerry Durham

Jerry previously served the state of North Carolina as a Level III electrical inspector and provided state-approved electrical training for electrical inspectors at both Alamance County and Guilford County (NC) Community Colleges. Jerry taught the Kentucky state-approved four-year electrical apprenticeship programs offered by the Independent Electrical Contractors (IEC) Trade School and Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) Trade School, and served the state of Kentucky as a Master Electrician and Louisville Metro Code Enforcement Officer. Jerry is a Certified Distance Education Instructor (CDEI) and NCCER Core and Electrical Curriculum certified instructor. Jerry currently holds North Carolina and ICC electrical inspector accreditations and is recognized by the state of Washington as an approved electrical administrator.

Course Reviews

4 Reviews