This package includes all 12 credit hours of MSDH Regulatory Hours that you need to renew!
First, our Distribution System Water Quality Issues course will introduce to water operators the many issues that must be present in order to achieve and maintain a safe and high-quality water supply in a distribution system.
Our Advanced Oxidation and UV Disinfection course will introduce water treatment and distribution operators to the operation, uses, and types of advanced oxidation and UV processes including ozonation and ultraviolet treatment.
In our Corrosion Control course you will learn about the effects of corrosion on a water distribution system, the effects of contamination due to corrosion, and corrosion mitigation techniques.
Our Disinfection course focuses on the critical role that pathogen destruction and inactivation plays in the surface water treatment process and how necessary it is in producing safe drinking water that meets EPA standards.
Finally, our Groundwater Wells course is designed to introduce and cover the basic components and operation of groundwater wells along with the fundamentals of maintaining safe drinking water from this types of water source.
Show Course ID: 0
- Approved By: Mississippi Department of Health
Instructor Bio
Tony Goff, holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Law and has over twenty years of experience in the water industry. Tony holds an upper management position with a large water district in Southern California. Tony is a Subject Matter Expert in the field of drinking water distribution and holds a treatment 5 certificate and a distribution 5 certificate.